So, since last post, I have made a friend. Plus One.
Whenever I missed the Anti-Gravity meeting on Monday, (I have had a finicky-stomach/sleep schedule all week) I checked their Twitter to find out the next day that some little heyitsmegan demon was writing a story on being new to nola and new to nola music. Outrage! Who is this girl and how did she nab MY story? My blog is called New To Nola for christ sake! Oh, she got to do it because I wasn't there because I had overmedicated myself into oblivion, and she has no idea I exist? oh yeah, that's the one.
So, I did what I knew I had to. I tweeted that story-stealer and I said, GET OUT MY GRAVITY, BIA. No, that's not true. I said "Hey I was supposed to be at the Anti-Grav meeting too. Friends?" Or something along those lines. Because her picture was adorable, her tweets were a mix of witty and inside-joke-friendy, and because I was like, hmm, if she's there and I'm there, then we might have similar interests, thought-patterns, goals. And because I was desperate.
She was also, or so I know now, lacking in the NOLA friend dept. Not as much as me, because she lives with her also adorable GF Leigh, but still. After a word-vomit of emails and aim convo, I met heyitsmegan on Wednesday night with tremendous results. If you rated friend-dates for the potential of friend-marriage, I'd probably at least be more thoroughly skimming covers of friend-bridal magazines.
For all of you that know me, let me explain. heyitsmegan was listening to REGINA SPEKTOR when I got in her car. Which now, after I know her a bit, may be part of a networking ploy. She admittedly used a little person (ala the Little People, Big World kind) to help her in some of her plans. Pinky and the brain, maybe. My kind of person, definitely.
Either way, we talked about Anti Gravity. And how much we like it. And how cool it is, and how it should grow and grow. And our past experiences with journalism, etc. And we had sushi. And also perused Whole Foods. (NOTE: I was in Whole Foods in Lou one time, but I had forgotten the glory of it entirely.) And then we went to her apartment, and I mer her GF Leigh. READ: This is not the set-up for some awkward lesbian relationship as my testosterone-filled friends from BG have suggested. NATE.
Here is heyitsmegan (hhaha, I don't know why I feel the need to call her that in blog world) and Leigh. In a picture I stole from FB because they are public property now, damnit.

my best friend eva eva eva is in NOLA (from NOLA) and fomr what i take pretty bored... you guys should become friends. Want me to give her your number?