If you can't read it. The third one down on the list is 2006 Pinot Blanc Reserve Pierre Sparr.
Dad got a glass. This was his unending excitement:
At Deanies, I had Crawfish Ettouffe. Dad had stuffed shrimp. And Mom had some sorta regular shrimp. Ettouffe looks gross, but tastes yummy.
After food, we went to a two-story Target. And I saw an amazing new thing. But those posts are in their own Amazing New Thing category.
I know its difficult to read, but that says Louisiana Jukebox by Kathy E. Goode. Kathy is my one land-bridge of wonderfulness between Casey County (hometown) and New Orleans. I saw this and said OH! outloud and squirmed in my seat enough for the advertsing guy to ask me what was up. And so I told him that Kathy Goode was my boo, even though that isn't entirely true. But close enough. And that I used to go on really bad dates with some members of her family. ;)
Also, another helpful thing. My father always says to wash dishes as you cook and it will save time and painful scraping later. I am a little too lazy to follow this rule exactly, but I do agree that washing the big crap as you go is probably better. And now that I know I won't be able to wrangle Aaron into doing my dishes for me- I realize that I must deal with them myself. Be proud, Dad.
Secondly, I would like to say that before I met Aaron Clark I never looked at instruments in stores and antique places. But now, he's turned me into one of his little music-finder-worker bees. I saw this harpsichord. It's cool-looking.
I really do believe if cats had a little place we could screw in broomhandles, in their laziest states, they would be nature's swiffers.