I don't have an entryway, but i DO have a behind-the-door area. And I put mine to use. Here is my bulletin board that use to be brown and cork and now I (SHOCK) spraypainted black. Below are a mix-match of black frames and photos of my favorite dead celebrities. Included are : Alfred Hitchcock, Janis Joplin, Johnny Cash, Danny Kate, The Andrews Sisters, Kate Chopin, Bing Crosby, and Katharine Hepburn. The chest on the bottom opens up and I want to use it for blankets etc for the living room, and I intend to put an umbrella rack (once I find a suitable one) in the corner space there, too. Also, the calendar isn't up there yet, but I'm making a homemade one.

I know this picture is dark, but this is on the wall on the other side of the fireplace. These are the gates that used to be on my grandparents house. Their last name was Murphy, hence, the middle has a cool swirly M on it. Which, I am, obviously MARY, so it fits. Nice duality, there. I spray painted em white and spruced 'em up a little bit, but mostly let their wear shine through. That's what vintage is all about, right?